Multifamily Podcast Network

Hello apartment friends! It’s me Leslie Mathis with the Multifamily Streamlined podcast. Months ago I wrote a little snip it for a podcast idea. It literally just said – Be you – unapologetically YOU – as I thought about it I also later added – not a free pass to be a butt hole though. Perhaps it said the other word but I’m consciously trying to clean up my language. But I digress… Anyways I sat on the idea but I as I am working on a few other items this theme kept coming up. Like a lot…

Friday I was meeting with my life coach and we were discussing a power hour series that I want to do for my teams. Truly it will be based on confidence but as we worked through the details I had her add one more item. Showing up as you – unapologetically you. We talk a lot about comparison and it being the thief of confidence but as we navigate some potential challenges ahead we are really going to have to dig in. Then my youngest and I headed to a concert to see Lainey Wilson right after meeting with Kristina. I love country music and a good dream chasing story. Well Lainey Wilson’s story is amazing and she shares part of it at every show. When she talks about her new album she talks about being true to yourself and being proud of it and then she of course used those words – being “unapologetically” you!

This story get’s better – Years ago a leasing consultant that use to work for me in Wilmington left to pursue her dreams as a softball coach – I’ve followed her from afar but lately she’s been showing up in my feed a lot – I’m still old school and scroll FB but I’m sure you have noticed I’ve been trying to build my social presence and have a focus on Instagram – so I was searching for Paige Williams on IG and as I looked at her feed in November I found a post she made about showing up as you – unapologetically. Stop – I know some believe in numbers and their meanings and I don’t believe in coincidences –  maybe the whole world is talking about this and I just live under a rock but I believe that there is some confirmation out there we should be talking about it too. I’m certain there needs to be a focus on confidence, comparison, and competition but today we will just focus on a small portion of confidence and that’s showing up as you! The best version of you! The unapologetic version of YOU! And let’s clarify one thing right now – this isn’t the free pass to be mean, say ugly things, or just do things the way want to do them. As leaders we don’t that opportunity – we will mess up or make mistakes and that’s okay but we don’t get to be ugly. If we are I guess that just means we aren’t leaders. What it does mean is we get to lead and guide our teams in our own way. It means we get to be ourselves and not show up like someone else just because we think they are cool. It means if you love bellbottoms you wear them to your show and bring them back in a big way.

It means leaving a coaching job to pursue a passion to coach people. It means being confident to say this is my organization or my event that will be hosted at The Graduate or Lynn Haven Methodist church. I am not sure how we got so disconnected or scared to say that something is ours. When we do that it doesn’t mean we didn’t have a team helping get the work done but most likely you put that dream team together. We have to stop giving up our power.

At the end of the day it is sometimes scary to stand out and just be you but my recent take away is that it feels a lot better to be me vs. trying to act like someone I admire. I say it a lot to my coach – y’all she’s super cool with a faux hawk and this amazing hype girl that can dance. If I showed up as her you all would be like what just happened. Listen it’s her gift and how she connects. It’s how she encourages people especially women. She’s put in the work and now she can share with others and help guide them. We might have similar gifts of encouragement but we show up a lot different. But hear this we SHO

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