Multifamily Podcast Network

Travis Watts is the director of investor relations at Ashcroft Capital, one of the largest syndication firms in the real estate business, run by Joe Fairless. Travis discusses how he got into real estate through the passive investing side of the business, as well as how he became a full-time passive investor. Travis was able to achieve what many investors dream of… financial freedom through truly passive real estate investments. 

In this episode, Travis talks about how to become a passive investor, what type of investor should be passive, and how passive investors should analyze deals, as well as select the right sponsors. Travis also discusses self-education and its importance for active and passive investors, as well as investors outside of real estate. There are a ton of good tips in this episode that would be beneficial to anyone who is looking to raise capital from passive investors, or for those who think becoming a passive investor or limited partner is the best route for them.

Show Notes:

3:03 Travis shares his background, along with his initial journey into real estate

6:35 Axel and Travis discuss the uncommon nature of passive investing and how it may be the right option for you.

8:09 Travis shares the importance of passive income and how growing it over time is essential.

9:45 We discuss how people can still follow their passion and build a diverse portfolio through passive investing.

11:42 Travis shares how passive investors enjoy the benefits of real estate investing without having to be very passionate about the business.

14:40 Travis and Axel talk about how passive investors can find a great syndicator or sponsor to partner with.

15:34 We discuss the importance of self-education and how it can help you avoid mistakes, as well as balancing self-education with taking action.

17:59 Travis talks about how to find a great sponsor to invest with, as well as how to select a market.

23:30 Travis shares what he likes in an ideal sponsor and how syndicators can improve by learning from other successful active investors. 

26:40 Travis tells an example of one time a deal didn’t go as planned.

30:53 Axel and Travis discuss what sponsors should do if a deal does not go as planned.

33:40 Travis shares his advice that he would give before closing your first passive investment.

34:17 Travis shares a skill that he attributes his success to.

35:38 We discuss Travis’s short-term goals and how he plans to achieve them.



BiggerPockets: Travis Watts

Facebook: @passiveinvestortips

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